Thursday, February 7, 2008

Real Estate Rooms: With style

Something which has always satisfied the voyer in me has been browsing inside people's homes when they are for sale. It never fails to fascinate me how people choose to present their home for others to view it.

Here are a few shiny houses I spotted in last weekends paper, none of which I could even dare to imagine affording!

16 Dominion Cct Forrest - Berkely Residential

22 Ferdinand Pl Campbell - LJ Hooker

36 Dominion Cct Forrest - Richard Luton Properties


  1. That looks like a USM Haller unit in the first pic! Not purchased from Cite :(

  2. I think you're right! They also have a black credenza one at the top of the stairs (more pics on All homes). Well, everyone, you can get yours at Cite!
