Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vanessa Amorosi and I

OMG just came home from the Vanessa Amorosi show at Southern Cross Club. Very talented gal - really rocking it these days with a new look and some sexy rock style and even perfectly channeling the one and only Janis Joplin for "A piece Of My Heart". Support act Michael Paynter is a new little hottie on the scene too, his new single "Closer" was released yesterday.

But what I'm slightly giddy over is the moment when she strutted over to ME and held the mic to ME to sing a line in "Absolutely Everybody" - I think I did well, and witnesses tell me she hugged me... I don't recall! Aaaiiiieeee! Great show... love Nina [blushing] x
Check out the clip for Vanessa's latest single and new look here.
And Michael Paynter's site here.


  1. vanessa amorosi huh! very 1999!

  2. Yeah, I know... but the little girl is all grown up now! Tatoos, fishnets and all!
