Monday, May 25, 2009

Canberra's Beautiful Autumn at it's best

From The Yellow House In The U blog.
Karin also has an Etsy store featuring her prize winning art, check it out here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As a Canberran in exile - thank you! How I miss the Autumn the most, till the end of winter when I miss the Cherry Blossoms.. but this morning I can feel the Canberra crisp air on my cheeks.

  3. What a gorgeous photo - I wonder if this is down behind the Hyatt - I was there recently and saw almost this exact same vista. How did you go at Handmade? I saw your chair at Katie's Misschief Maker! Stunning! I bet you wowed everyone. Wish I'd had time to have a drool. Tx
