Friday, June 5, 2009

Something for the Weekend: Tweed Ride

How adorable is a man (or woman) in tweed? Inspired by the British Tweed Run held earlier this year, here's your chance to dress up and have a little dapper fun...

For more tweedy inspiration, check out more images of the London Tweed Run.

Love it! Hope you have a marvelous long weekend,

Love Nina x


  1. How much fun does this look? Can't wait to see the pics as I won't be able to join in.

  2. Wow so gorgeous, love love love tweed. Just fished out a little pair of tweed overalls that I wore as a baby. Have managed to squish my daughter in them this week. Really really cute.

  3. Yummy yummy. Oh, those streets bring back fond memories, altough I didn't do them in tweed. Bring back tweed!

  4. Well the Tweed Ride is over, I put some photos up here, but I'm sure more will turn up on the Canberra Tweed Ride facebook page over the coming days. Thank you, Nina!

  5. Thank you Fiona for the tip! The photos look great - looks like it was quite a success, wish I could have made it.

  6. Who is the most popular girl in town according to the front page of the relax magazine????? YOU noice x
