Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ikea road trip: Bring it home

In time for Christmas prezzies, Bring It Home are offering "a fun day of shopping at the world famous Ikea Store in Sydney. Travelling in your luxury seat belt equipped coach, you'll enjoy a relaxing, hassle free drive from Canberra " on November 20th.

Here's a few new things at Ikea which have me drooling...

I think this one will be a popular ride so book now!

Contact Nicole for more details


Friday, August 20, 2010

Don't Miss: Canning Stock Route exhibition

On now at the National Museum of Australia, and showing until January, this free exhibition is one not to be missed. I took my little guy along yesterday and neither of us wanted to leave! Here's a sneak peak at some of the amazing artworks in the exhibition - keep in mind, they are in huge scale... they take my breath away...

Kiriwirri by Nada Rawlins, Ngurra Artists, 1998. Acrylic on paper.
Nada Rawlins, Ngurra Artists

Kiriwirri by Jan Billycan, Yulparija Artists, 2008. Acrylic on linen.Wikirri by Jakayu Biljabu, Martumili Artists, 2007. Acrylic on linen.
Left: Jan Billycan, Yulparija Artists Right: Jakayu Biljabu, Martumili Artists

Kartamarti by Jukuja Dolly Snell, Mangkaja Arts, 2007. Acrylic on canvas.
Don't forget to check out the interactive computers and squash a few virtual ants!