My friends, I have recently made a most difficult decision to step down Canberra's Got Style blog to allow for a fresh beginning for new and undiscovered projects. The decision is only difficult because my work here is not done, new designers and events are emerging every day and I only wish I could afford the time they deserve to be shared here. In the 3 years since the beginning nearly 400 posts have come by, and here they will remain, a record of Canberra's emerging style.
I love that Canberra's Got Style has made an impact (however small) on perceptions of Canberra for locals and visitors alike. I've had an amazing experience here and hope you all have too.
So, this is not quite the end, there will still be October - or rather Frocktober. For our final month I will be breaking my usual uniform of jeans to instead wear a frock for every day in October - all to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. I hope you enjoy a little look into my wardrobe with daily outfit shots of my month of Frocktober, and consider
donating generously to this worthy cause! You can join in too, so check out the what the Canberran Frockettes are planning for you
at their blog.