BATTLEFIELD is a butoh inspired Live Art work that explores the cross generational desire to reach for perfection through conformity.
Using Butoh and 80’s dance, Chenoeh Miller will direct CYT performers aged 18-25 in the all encompassing sensory experience of Battlefield. With a Butoh body as their foundation the performers responses to Battlefield will be evocative, startling and thought provoking – the human propensity to seek perfection through conformity will be laid bare. The performance will take place in an intimate space and is suitable for all ages!

Chenoeh is well known for creating work which fuses the two performance styles of Butoh and Live Art: Butoh originated in Japan in the late 1950s, Live Art was a term coined in the 1980’s in the United Kingdom. Check out her previous work @
BATTLEFIELD will be performed March 11-14th Contact CYT Office for tickets on (02) 6248 5057
and now to get you in the mood and because it's awesome... here's the hot hot hot clip for the original "Love is a Battlefield", do make sure you stay for Pat Benetar gettin her freak on from 3:20mins AWESOME!!!
Weeeeeeee are young......... I remember sitting on an ACTION bus singing this.In the Eighties... Maybe not at the back of the 333 :P{anyone remember the 333??} More likely, the bus leaving the Dickson Pool to Campbell High. Love the dancing bit, though. X
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