"With a background in textiles, fashion and interior design, Barrett fits blogging around her busy lifestyle which incldes running her handmade accessories and homewares brand Tango & James, and being a stay-at-home-mum of two young children. Her blog showcases local design, fashion, architecture and photography and is a reply to those who say the capital is daggy"

The article also points to the girls at Go Fug Yourself, Singaporean Bagaholic Boy and fellow Canberrans with style at Pony and Pink... love!

Thankyou Claire, a lovely article and (might I say) the first to be completely factually correct!
Hope you had a Relaxing weekend!
Love Nina x
Hope you had a Relaxing weekend!
Love Nina x
Well done, and how exciting!
I am really glad I was directed to your blog a while ago, it's quite fun to see the place where I live represented in a blog. :)
YAY, YAY, YAY.....looking gorgeous!!!
Screaming with excitement! You gungho stylista you! LOVING the pics, cover girl! And the boys look adorable! xxx
Woo hoo! Covergirl!
I just sawe the article and logged on immediatly!!!
Very SJP picture :)
Great story. I like your blog because it's got local content, it's not just a bitch-fest about what's wrong with Canberra, and it inspires me to think about getting off the couch and making my house look pretty. (Nothing could inspire me to actually do it, but you inspire me to think about it.)
Very exciting indeed; and the picture of you on the cover is divine.
Sidenote* Word erification is 'Suckist' LOL
I read this today - you looked really good, and it was a great article. Congrats!
OOh hooray! I have asked my mum to save me a copy from her paper. Looking like one yummy mummy in these pics.
Whoo Hoo go you!
Looking good.
Thank youuuuuuu everyone! {still blushing}
Love Nina x
SWEEET - congrats!
Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
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