Above left: The view just inside the front door, awash with purple candy, possibly indicating the demise of an oompa-loompa.
Above Right: Further down the hall, you just know this person watched too much "Changing Rooms".

Above Left: In the original 1969 kitchen, the splash back tiles had been thoughtfully stenciled
Above Right: and a little splash of sunshine through to the dining room made this a happy place - on pills.

Above: The grand lounge room, complete with attractive louvred doors, is just around the corner from the purple entry... ahh, soothing blue. Rest your eyes my dear, because you are about to cry when you see...

Above Left: The laundry, yes that is a particularly retina burning blood red orange, bordering on flourescent, stylishly teamed with navy blue GLOSS trim - hmmm special.
Above Right: The bathroom, complete with wall paper borders, fluer de lis and the essential lace curtain with PARROT PRINT curtains WTF??? The rest of the bathroom is basic white with and terracotta floor.
Above Right: The bathroom, complete with wall paper borders, fluer de lis and the essential lace curtain with PARROT PRINT curtains WTF??? The rest of the bathroom is basic white with and terracotta floor.

There is a lot to be said for being able to visualize!
My Hubby cannot and would have had me committed had I said I wanted to buy your before house!
Nice work Home beautiful girl.
P.S going to bed early to read mine!
stylish, artistic house, saw it in HB and loved it!
Whoa, talk about every color of the rainbow! You did awesome job after, Lisa.
Well you're always rabbiting on about how much you love colour! Thought it would be right up your ally! ;-)
UGH! I hope you were not pregnant when you moved in!!! Those colours; ghastly!
And the rose motif!
You have done magi with the place Nina darling, you and Hubby Ribena should be very proud of yourselves (although I assume the decore etc. was 90% you?) :D
Wow what a transformation!
Is the bug at the end yours? I drive a bright pink 1972 superbug :)
got to love a parrot on a curtain ... who doesn't?
I loved the feature on you in HB - so inspiring and exciting to see a fellow Canberran with such a gorgeous home - and refreshing to see you had sourced some beautiful pieces from Go-Lo, Hot Dollar etc.
And now seeing the befores makes it even more amazing!
All I could think when viewing your original 'before' house was "BLOODY HELL!!!" in a screechy, terrified kind of head voice....
What a genius you are to turn 'that' into what you have now....LOVE it!!
oh the before shots, reminds me of my house when I bought it 10 years ago, yuk!!
Canberra does have style!
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