Canberra based online fashion haven, FROCKAHOLICS.COM are serving up the best of Australian fashion straight from the catwalk, to your door... here's what's got me wanting...

Left to right, top to bottom: 1: Eryn Brinie Grey tie waist woven coat 2: Fornarina Andrew red spotted knit top 3: Nude The standard winter white shoe boot 4: Melissa Vivienne Westwood Lady Dragon blue 5: Melissa Vivienne Westwood Lady Dragon pearl 6: Melissa Vivienne Westwood 3 strap heels in red
Check out Frockaholics for your fashion fix here.
Oh my Goodness I can so see you in all of this (not at once) How very you!
I always feel less guilty buying online when it's a local retailer :)
Love these Vivienne Westwood red heels - needs a slinky black dress don't you think?
GAH, how GOOOOOORGEOUS!!! I love and adore all this goodness!! Lemming!!!
Nice - thanks for keeping me aware of canberra.
I am studying fashion here and working aswell.
I have started a blog: I try to document street style here, however due to recent travel have quite a few interstate photos aswell - let me know what you think.
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